Saturday, October 19, 2019

An evaluation of the ethics program of an organization, Assignment

An evaluation of the ethics program of an organization, - Assignment Example Discussion Background of Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is one of the branded American multinational retail players that operate numerous departmental stores as well as warehouse stores offering high level of discounts in varied items. It came into existence in the year 1962 by Walten Brothers in Arkansas. However, it became the popular among the public from the year 1970. Since then, it has created an image of presenting valuable products at an effective price. So, it holds the second largest position, as per Fortune Global 500 companies. As a result Wal-Mart became successful in creating a worthy image of presenting the products at lowest price to live a better life. So, it is voted as one of the most admired company in the market among others. Being headquartered in Arkansas, it operates successfully in more than over 8970 locations as the largest grocery retailer. However, in different locations, it works with different names but their goal is common, i.e. ‘to save money and live a bett er life’. So, Wal-Mart includes a high level of brand image and reputation in the segment of hypermarket or supermarkets or departmental stores as compared to many other rivals. ... In order to do so, the management of Wal-Mart joined hands with various NGO’s, government leaders as well as other retailers. With the help of such co-operations, the management aims to enhance the working conditions as well as the living standards of the workers in a significant way. This helps in enhancing the power of excellence and motivation of the workers, entirely responsible for producing the products for which varied types of measures are implemented such as: Promoting safety and security within the supply chain functions - in order to improve the safety and security of the supply chain, varied types of policies are implemented like zero tolerance policy. Side by side, the management also tried to maintain transparency with its contractors and terminated all the unauthorised ones. Such type of decisions proved effective for the organization as well as its employees. Safety from fire - in order to reduce the risk of fire, barred windows and doors that mainly existed on the staircases were shifted so that the fire may not spread more vividly. Moreover, all the doors and buildings also comprise of a secondary exists, so that in case of emergency, the employees might exit immediately. Due to the presence of such type of facilities, the security of the employees from fire also enhanced to a certain extent. Fire safety related training programs - in order to improve the knowledge and inner skills of the employees over the security of fire, varied types of training programs are also implemented within the organization. This helps the employee to know varied types of ways to save him or herself from fire. Education and training programs - With the help of implementation of these programs, the devotion and motivation of the employees over

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