Friday, October 18, 2019

Dante, Inferno, Canto II, line 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Dante, Inferno, Canto II, line 7 - Essay Example It is also important to identify the information that is being conveyed. It is important to note that an author needs to identify messages that will answer the social gap within the society. An author needs to identify the problems within the society and try to give a solution through literary work. Dante Inferno has disseminated vibrant information to most readers (Puncher 2012). It is also important to highlight that a literary work must always aim at changing the society. This entails correction of bad behaviors within the society. An author has a vibrant platform to communicate vibrant messages to many people. This is due to high number of readers in the country. Social vices within the society can be corrected vibrantly using literary work. Dante inferno has highlighted numerous vices within the society (Puncher 2012). Empowering the society is a very vibrant factor. Literary needs to have the values to empower the youth in the society. In this case, most youth who are talented in writing will motivated to explore this rich field. Dante inferno has highlighted this aspect (Puncher

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